Stress is a normal part of life. Due to our hectic life style human body has a tendency to get Psycho somatic diseases such as Insomnia, Ulcer, Hypertension, Fatigue, Head ache etc. This therapy includes Relaxing types of massages, Thaila Dhara, Ksheera Dhara, Medicated Steam Bath and other types of relaxing treatments. This is effective for the general relaxation of the body and mind
Ayurveda and Rejuvenation
Mind Relaxation Packages
Body Purification Packages
Slimming Therapy Packages
Stress Relieving Packages
Slimming Therapy Packages
Oldage Disorders Treatment
Ayurveda Wellness Program
Treatment for anti aging
Beauty Care Program
Ayurveda Spa Holidays
Ayurveda and Yoga
Kerala Ayurveda Package
Delhi Ayurveda Package
Goa Ayurveda Package
Chennai Ayurveda Package
Bangalore Ayurveda Package
Ayurveda De-stress Packages
Rishikesh Narendra Ayurvedas
Chennai Swamimalai Ayurveda