
Rating of Hotels:

india-package-tour.com website (the “website”), a division of  Holiday Package Tour Inc (the “Company”) provides a platform for travellers to rate Hotels. The Company is not a rating organisation.

The website serves as a forum for rating of Hotels based on actual experience of travellers, review of holiday destitations and submission of photographs.The website seeks rating and information from travellers on various parameters of their leisure experience and averages these parameter ratings to arrive at the overall rating for a Hotel from that traveller.

Accuracy of hotel ratings information:

The ratings assigned to a particular hotel are based solely on the information submitted by actual travellers. The website cannot and does not in any manner audit or independently verify such information including information pertaining to stay, facilities availed, bill amounts or any other details of the traveller. Neither the website nor the Company seek to rate hotels on their own. All information provided is provided without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any warranty of non-infringement or any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your use of the site.

Applicable venue:

Any and all disputes arising howsoever out of or in connection with any of the information or other content shall be resolved exclusively in the courts at Delhi, India.

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